
Soon Our Jesus Will Appear - By: Susan Y Nikitenko

Fall and Autumn Comments, Graphics, eCards for Facebook, MySpace

Soon Our Jesus Will Appear

By: Susan Y.Nikitenko

Autumn is a fanciful season;
The leaves a colorful glow.
The squirrels gather for winter;
Before the cold winter’s snow.

Pumpkins brighten grandmas front porch;
Scarecrows cheer each passerby.
Harvest cooking fills the autumn air;
Apple tarts and pumpkin pie.

The wooly bear forecasts the weather;
The flowers of summer fade.
Bringing forth life in a tiny seed;
A miracle that is heaven made.

Memories and laughter fill my heart;
When I think about it all.
The yearly hayride until dark;
And all the fun in the Fall.

I am reminded this time of year;
We must gather and prepare.
Because harvest time is ending soon;
Soon our Jesus will appear.

And though fall is beautifully designed;
And holds a place in my heart.
There’s nothing like my home awaiting;
Filled with God’s celestial art.

If we fill our lives with goodness;
And plant God’s seeds ‘long the way.
When the autumn of life has ended;
They will bloom a sweet bouquet.