
Down On The Farm - Games





Items needed:  Two straw hats, two shirts, two pairs of overalls, two handkerchiefs and two empty pales

Instructions on how to play the game:

            Simply make two teams and have the children stand in two separate rows. Each team will have a pile of items (listed above). When the whistle blows, the first person from each team will run and grab one of the items and put it on. Then he will run back and take the item off and give it to the next person in line. The next person will put the item on and then run and grab another item form the pile and put it on. He will than run back and take the two items off and give it to the next person in line. This is done repeatedly until the last person in line is fully dressed. Once the last person is fully dressed, the team wins.

Note: To make it easier for the Primaries, it is more convenient if a worker will help them put an item on if they are having a difficult time.


                              Tuesday-SNATCH THE EGG

Items needed:  A basket and a plastic egg                

Instructions on how to play the game:

            Make two teams and preferably have no less than five players per team. Have both teams stand at a good distance from each other but facing each other. Place the basket with the plastic egg in the middle of both teams. Give each member of the 1st team a number. You will give the same numbers to the 2nd team. Explain before the game that whoever's number is called; they are to run to the middle and attempt to grab the egg from the basket and run back to their team. However, remember that the other person on the other team with the same number will attempt to grab the same egg. If a person grabs the egg and runs back to their team with the egg in hand, the team will win a point. However, if they are tagged by their opponent before they get back to their team, the opponent's team wins the point. The team with the most points wins.

Note: There is no limit to the amount of teams that you need to have for this game. The more teams there are, the better the game gets!!!




Items needed:  Handkerchiefs (depending on how many kids you have)  

Instructions on how to play the game:

            Make two groups and give each kid on the 1st team the name of a farm animal. Do exactly the same thing with the 2nd team. However, when you give the kids the animal name, have them not to tell anyone their animal name. Once you have given everyone animal names blindfold each person. Have both teams of kids mix in a single group blindfolded. Once they are all together, have the kids make the noise of the animal you gave them. Each person is to find their "animal partner" by the noise they are making. The first to find his partner wins.


Thursday-THE SPOON

Items needed: Spoons, a basket and hard boiled eggs           

Instructions on how to play the game:

            Make two teams and have each team stand in a straight line one behind the other. Give the first person in each team a spoon and an egg. They are to place the egg on the spoon with their hand s behind their back. They are to walk without dropping the egg until they reach to the basket. If they drop the egg before they reach to the basket, they are to stop where they dropped the egg, pick it up, place it on the spoon and keep walking. They will drop the egg and run back and give the spoon to the next person inline. This is to be done repeatedly. The first team to finish wins.



Items needed: Belts, and Velcro colored flags ( Have three different belt colors for three groups)

Instructions on how to play the game:

            Make three different teams and have each team wear a belt with the Velcro flags attached to the sides of it. Each team color represents an animal, e.g. the blue team are the horses, the green team are the cows, and the red team are the chickens. All three teams will scatter. Once the whistle is blown all three teams are to chase each other. If a person’s flag is pulled off by another team, they are eliminated form the game. Each team is to gain the most flags from the other teams. The team with the most flags wins.


      Monday-  Pop the Veggies 

Items needed: dart board, darts, and yellow, orange, green, and red balloons (Make a variety of long and round balloons)

Instructions on how to play the game:

            Blow up balloons and place a little piece of paper in each balloon. Each piece of paper in each balloon will have a certain amount of points. Stick the balloons to the dart board and you are set. Make to teams and each person will have a chance to throw the darts toward the dart board. (you can allow them to have three tries). The objective is to pop as many balloons as you can and rack up some points. However, some balloons may not have any points at all, some may cause the team to skip a turn, and even lose points. The team with the most points wins.

NOTE: Darts can be dangerous, so make sure this game is played under supervision at all times!!!



Items needed: Ten sheets of paper, a marker, and nine chairs

Instructions on how to play the game:

            Take a marker and write an “x” symbol across five sheets of paper. Take the other five sheets of paper and cross an “o” symbol across them. Make two teams and give one team all five sheets of paper with the “o” symbol and the other team with the “x” symbol. Place the chairs in three rows of three. Have the first person come up and sit on any chair he wants holding the sheet of paper. Another person from the other team will come and sit in any other chair. This is done repeatedly back and forth until either team forms a row first. The team that forms a row first wins the game.

Wednesday-Don’t WATER the crops!!

Items needed: four buckets, balloons, six large sheets

Instructions on how to play the game:

            Fill tow of the four buckets with water balloons. Make two teams and give each team three sheets. Each team has to separate themselves in three smaller groups and each group will be holding a sheet. Have each group stand at least ten feet away from each other. A worker will place a water balloon on a sheet. That group is to launch the balloon and second group is to catch the balloon with the sheet without letting it drop to the ground. NO hands are allowed in this game. The second group will launch the balloon and the third group has to catch it as well. A worker on the other end will take the balloon and place in in a bucket. The second team is doing the same thing the first team is doing. The objective is to catch every balloon without letting it drop. The team that ends up with the most balloons in the bucket wins.




Items needed: Two large buckets or tubs, handkerchiefs, and apples and plastic eggs

Instructions on how to play the game:

            Fill two buckets of water to the top and throw apples and plastic eggs where they are floating on the top. Make two teams and have each team stand in a straight row. Blindfold the first person in each row and have them walk to the bucket of water blindfolded. They are to kneel and try to grab all the plastic eggs from the bucket. They are not to grab the apples and if they do, the team loses points. Make sure they do not use their hands. They are to grab the eggs with their mouth. Each person in the team is to do the same thing. The team that collects the most eggs wins.

Note: Have a worker place more eggs and apples as the game advances


Items needed: Cones, and handkerchiefs

Instructions on how to play the game:

            Place two rows of cones and make two teams. Each team is to be in a straight line. Blindfold the first person and the second person in line is the wheelbarrow. The blindfolded person will grab the other person’s legs and the other person is to walk with his hands. However, the blindfolded person will not be able to see where he is going so the other person will have to give him instructions on where to go. They are to go through the cones in zig-zag form until they get to the other side. Once they reach the other side, they will switch. Once they get back, the next two will do the same thing. The first team to complete the relay wins.

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