
I Hate Needles

I Hate Needles

Monday Evening


*Brink Fretly

*Misty the Cow-Cute Cow Puppet with bow tied in hair and baby girl voice(spelling has been changed to fit her voice

(News Intro Music)

(Head of Brink Fretly comes up shaking, goes back down, then appears to be pushed out of curtain)

Brink: Ouf! (Voice Shaking) H-H-Hello and w-welcome to P-I-ACTION News, I’m Brink Fretly live down on the a-a-a-choo! Farm. I have just arrived at the Highbrook Broken Bridge Farm…it appears to be abandoned.

Misty: (Pops up beside him) MOO!

Brink: AUUUUUUUUGHHHHHHH!!!!! (Runs all over stage then cowers in the corner crying) Please don’t eat me, I’m too young to die!

Misty: Oh cuse me mister, I did not mean to scare you. I was just saying hi.

Brink: You-You can talk?

Misty: Oh yes we awre of a rare vewity of cows, p-u-p-p-e-t cows to be specific, but most of the time we are too afrwaid to say anything around people, most of them can be scary you know.

Brink: I think most cows are scary. Is this you’re a…you’re a-a-achoo! Farm?

Misty: Yes it is, I’ve lived here all my life.

Brink: Do you know anything about how to grow a crop?

Misty: I know you need a seed mister.

Brink: Well what do you do with the seed?

Misty: I don’t do anything with the seed. Mr. Fawrmer sows it.

Brink: He Sews it? (shutters) I hate needles! I think I’m going to faint ahh..

Misty: No silly! Sow S-O-W, it means he plants them in the soil.

Brink: What is Soil it sounds horrid!

Misty: Its Dirt

Brink: Oh, what kind of dirt?

Misty: I think maybe you should talk to the fawrmer he knows a lot more then me.

Brink: NO!!! (Runs and cowers in the corner whimpering)

Misty: What did I do now mister?

 Brink: HE’LL Stab me with his PITCHFORK!

Misty: No, he won’t silly! Come on wets go, I’m sure he’ll love to meet you.

Brink: Yeah, eager to kill me!

Misty: (Starts pushing on Brink with her head) Ok Mister Scardy, time to go meet Mr. Fawrmer.

Brink: What are you doing? Remove your head from me! AUGHHH!!! This has been Brink Fretly live(begins to exit, rest said behind stage), for the time being, down on the a-a-a-choo! (News Closing Music)

Written By: Natasha Miller

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