
Meeting Mr. Farmer

Meeting Mr. Farmer
Tuesday Evening
*Brink Fretly
*Misty the Cow
*Mr. Farmer-Older Puppet with overalls and flannel shirt, speaks with Southern accent.
(News Intro Music)
Misty: (Enters) Hello this is Misty the cow coming live to you from the Highbrook Broken Bridge farm. Where your correspondent Brink Fwretly has just recently disappeared, there hasn’t been a sign of him in the last 24 hours.
Brink: (Behind Stage)Back! Back you you Beastly creature! Don’t you come pecking near me….Aughhhh!!!
(Enters on Stage with glasses crooked and hay in hair) I hate a-a-achoo! Farms!
Misty: What happened to you? You look funny (laughs) We thought you were missing.
Misty: What kind of beast?
Brink: It had huge huge wings, a big pointy mouth, skinny legs, was covered in feathers and had red eyes!
Misty: Are you sure it wasn’t a chicken?
Brink: W-well they’re scary too…
Misty: Oh Mister Fwretly chickens are not scawry.
Brink:  That’s what you think.
Misty: Are you ready to meet Mr. Fawrmer now? I promise he is not scawry.
Brink: Well after that chicken I suppose dying by pitchfork wouldn’t be too bad.
Misty: Mr. Fawrmer, Mr. Fawrmer, there is someone I want you to meet!
Mr. Farmer: (Enters) Did you call me Misty, gal?
Misty: Yes Mr. Fawrmer, I want you to meet Brink Fwretly of P.I.ACTION News, he wanted to ask you some questions about sowing.
Mr. Farmer: It’s nice to meet ya, Mr. Fretly. What would ya like to ask me son?
Brink: How many people have you KILLED WITH YOUR PITCHFORK!?!
Misty: Oh Mr. Fwretly..
Mr. Farmer: Well son, none that I reckon. I only use my pitchfork on the hay and maybe a few stubborn goats and cows that slack off on given milk(clears throat)
Misty: Oh…Opps sorry Mr. Fawrmer. See ya around Mr. Fwrety! (Exits)
Mr. Farmer: Is that all you wanted to ask son?
Brink: I want to know what kind of dirt you use to sow s-o-w in, here on you’re a-a-achoo! Farm.
Mr. Farmer: Well the best kind is the dirt that has no rocks, no thorns and is in good ground.
Brink: Gooood Groouund ok well thank..
Mr. Farmer: Hey there son before you go running off with another one of my chickens, let me ask you what kinda soil are you planted in?
Brink: Huh?
Mr. Farmer: Well the Bible says in the book of Romans that we should be planted in Christ Jesus.
Brink: Like the Jesus that was in all those stories in the Bible?
Mr. Farmer: Yes sire, the very one! If we have trusted Jesus as our Lord and Saviour we will be planted in Him and we will hopefully grow and bare fruit that makes us more like Him, but one thing is fer sure, you will never die!
Brink: Never Die?
Mr. Farmer: Well, we will all die one day here physically but the Bible says we will have eternal life in Heaven instead of eternal pain in Hell.
Brink: I would definitely choose to be planted in Jesus, eternal pain sounds scary.
Mr. Farmer: It is and it’s a very real thing.
Brink: Well it looks like we are out of time…
Mr. Farmer: Now all ya’ll watching if you want to know more about how to be planted in Christ Jesus and receiving eternal life, make sure to see the nearest teacher or helper as soon as possible. This has been Mr. Farmer…
Brink: And Brink Fretly at P-I-ACTION News, Down on the a-a-a-choo! Farm.
(News Closing Music)
Written By: Natasha Miller
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